Can't this argument go offline now?

-- Karim Nassar

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Claus [UNKNOWN] Sørensen - Chairman of KLID wrote:

> Fra: Hans Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > At 22:21 01.05.01 +0200, Claus Sørensen - ProjectHouse wrote:
> > >From: Hans Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> >> One of the main engines in Open Source/Free 
> > >> >> Softeware projects is release often so you don't 
> > >> >> have these huge gaps between releases.
> > >> >> 
> > >> Wow, what a deep insight. I've always thought the main engine
> > >> in Free Software projects are motivated developers. Why
> > >> should one do something for free if he could as well earn
> > >> money with it ?
> > >
> > >I said "one of..."
> > >
> > And I said *THE* ...
> For _some_ developers seeing the benefit from their 
> work in releases is a motivating factor. An encourage 
> them to develop more because they can see users 
> using it.
> Actually I am one of those users and I like version 0.86 
> (you have all done a great job) but I wanted more so 
> I looked for a new version and found none but saw that 
> many of the features I would like was already there - in 
> the CVS-tree which I downloaded but couldn't compile 
> using the guidelines.
> I thought that I was not the only one and asked the list 
> for road map for the next release without any answers.
> Then I suggest some things to be done to reach the next 
> release in a short time.
> > IMO you can't tell, what's fun for me ...
> Of course not.
> > >I know my limitations - and I am not a very skilled 
> > >programmer (I can read some C and shell scripts), 
> > >so I'm trying to guide you so the time for 0.87 will 
> >                ^^^^^^^^  
> > >not be too far away.
> > Thanks, that's defenetly *not* required, at least for me.
> > If you want to tell other people what they should do, I 
> > suggest: Pay them or improve your authority otherwise.
> "Guide" was not the right word more "making 
> suggestions".
> So it is not about what they should do but 
> could do.
> >And then I hope for baby steps in the future. It is easier 
> >to make small changes and bugfixes, and then release 
> >again than mayor steps.
> >
> > >Maybe Dia should use two tracks like Linux:
> > >- developer track where all the new features are tested
> > >- stable track where all the stable features 
> > 
> > Maybe you should first read the mailing list archives before
> > repeating discussions ...
> Why didn't you tell the same to Fernando Lozano?
> Do I really have to read more than 2400 postings 
> before I can say anything on this list?
> Why don't you point me to the discussion (give me 
> the subject) because I couldn't find any discussion 
> concerning two tracks.
> There is no FAQ for the list so I can see what is 
> already been asked about and answered.
> Actually the short description for the list say:
>   "If you want to help out with Dia or discuss 
>    it's development"
> > >I'm not (only) complaining - I'm trying to help.
> > >
> > Thanks, but no thanks. If you want to help: report bugs,
> > write documentation, answers FAQs on the mailing list,
> > but IMO never ever try to lead free (as in free bear, which
> > you drink and someone else has to pay:) source developers.
> I am not trying to leading at all - I just make some 
> suggestions.
> But the maintainer have some level of leader 
> authority. And if you don't like his leadership 
> you can find another project, find another 
> leader, drop free developing or fork.
> > >> >Then reason we aren't seeing a release is that our maintainer, James
> > >> >Henstridge, seems to have slunk away somewhere.
> > >> >
> > >> goto start_of_mail;
> > >
> > >I read is as you are the new maintainer - 
> > >or am I wrong.
> >
> > You are, but it isn't surprising, is it?
> Ok - then I don't understand what you "answer" on 
> why James is slunk away is.
> > I am maintainer of the win32 port of Dia and actually 
> > I'm the coder as well :)
> Great - keep up the good work - I have some of 
> my friend trying it out and they are quite happy 
> about it.
> The most enjoyable greetings
> Claus Sorensen              K L I D
> Chairman               ------------------        Mobile: +45 20 94 62 34
> Noddelunden 110         Commercial Linux         Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> DK-2765 Smorum       Association of Denmark      Web:

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