Fra: Hans Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At 22:21 01.05.01 +0200, Claus Sørensen - ProjectHouse wrote:
> >From: Hans Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> One of the main engines in Open Source/Free 
> >> >> Softeware projects is release often so you don't 
> >> >> have these huge gaps between releases.
> >> >> 
> >> Wow, what a deep insight. I've always thought the main engine
> >> in Free Software projects are motivated developers. Why
> >> should one do something for free if he could as well earn
> >> money with it ?
> >
> >I said "one of..."
> >
> And I said *THE* ...

For _some_ developers seeing the benefit from their 
work in releases is a motivating factor. An encourage 
them to develop more because they can see users 
using it.

Actually I am one of those users and I like version 0.86 
(you have all done a great job) but I wanted more so 
I looked for a new version and found none but saw that 
many of the features I would like was already there - in 
the CVS-tree which I downloaded but couldn't compile 
using the guidelines.

I thought that I was not the only one and asked the list 
for road map for the next release without any answers.

Then I suggest some things to be done to reach the next 
release in a short time.

> IMO you can't tell, what's fun for me ...

Of course not.

> >I know my limitations - and I am not a very skilled 
> >programmer (I can read some C and shell scripts), 
> >so I'm trying to guide you so the time for 0.87 will 
>                ^^^^^^^^  
> >not be too far away.

> Thanks, that's defenetly *not* required, at least for me.
> If you want to tell other people what they should do, I 
> suggest: Pay them or improve your authority otherwise.

"Guide" was not the right word more "making 

So it is not about what they should do but 
could do.

>And then I hope for baby steps in the future. It is easier 
>to make small changes and bugfixes, and then release 
>again than mayor steps.
> >Maybe Dia should use two tracks like Linux:
> >- developer track where all the new features are tested
> >- stable track where all the stable features 
> Maybe you should first read the mailing list archives before
> repeating discussions ...

Why didn't you tell the same to Fernando Lozano?

Do I really have to read more than 2400 postings 
before I can say anything on this list?

Why don't you point me to the discussion (give me 
the subject) because I couldn't find any discussion 
concerning two tracks.

There is no FAQ for the list so I can see what is 
already been asked about and answered.

Actually the short description for the list say:
  "If you want to help out with Dia or discuss 
   it's development"

> >I'm not (only) complaining - I'm trying to help.
> >
> Thanks, but no thanks. If you want to help: report bugs,
> write documentation, answers FAQs on the mailing list,
> but IMO never ever try to lead free (as in free bear, which
> you drink and someone else has to pay:) source developers.

I am not trying to leading at all - I just make some 

But the maintainer have some level of leader 
authority. And if you don't like his leadership 
you can find another project, find another 
leader, drop free developing or fork.

> >> >Then reason we aren't seeing a release is that our maintainer, James
> >> >Henstridge, seems to have slunk away somewhere.
> >> >
> >> goto start_of_mail;
> >
> >I read is as you are the new maintainer - 
> >or am I wrong.
> You are, but it isn't surprising, is it?

Ok - then I don't understand what you "answer" on 
why James is slunk away is.

> I am maintainer of the win32 port of Dia and actually 
> I'm the coder as well :)

Great - keep up the good work - I have some of 
my friend trying it out and they are quite happy 
about it.

The most enjoyable greetings

Claus Sorensen              K L I D
Chairman               ------------------        Mobile: +45 20 94 62 34
Noddelunden 110         Commercial Linux         Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK-2765 Smorum       Association of Denmark      Web:

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