Fra: Hans Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >> One of the main engines in Open Source/Free 
> >> Softeware projects is release often so you don't 
> >> have these huge gaps between releases.
> >> 
> Wow, what a deep insight. I've always thought the main engine
> in Free Software projects are motivated developers. Why
> should one do something for free if he could as well earn
> money with it ?

I said "one of..."

> Maybe because of fun, challenge, glory, or simply because
> he wants to use the program himself ...

But it is always more fun if the project evolves and 
you can see the fruits of your development - happy 

And most of the users trying Dia 0.86 stops because 
it is not as finish as they hoped. Some of them looking 
for new versions but don't find any (because CVS and 
compiling is not as easy as deps and rpms).

I know my limitations - and I am not a very skilled 
programmer (I can read some C and shell scripts), 
so I'm trying to guide you so the time for 0.87 will 
not be too far away.

And then I hope for baby steps in the future. It is easier 
to make small changes and bugfixes, and then release 
again than mayor steps.

Maybe Dia should use two tracks like Linux:
- developer track where all the new features are tested
- stable track where all the stable features 

> Maybe *not* because of continous complaining.

I'm not (only) complaining - I'm trying to help.

>> Couldn't you release more often so more of us 
>> can benefit for the work you have been doing 
>> since last release.
> IHMO the key question here is: Is the benefit on both sides ?

I could write about all the errors I discover 
but I don't know if they are already fixed 
because I use the 0.86 version and not 
a CSV-build.

If I was a developer I will get tired of all the 
"old" bug-reports that was fixed months ago.

And who want to look through hundreds of 
kilobytes of change logs to see if the error 
you discovered was fixed.

> Doing an official release does require some extra work which
> almost never falls into the fun category. Part of this work
> can be done by the users, who are willing to build from cvs.

Sorry - but I don't have a system I can test on 
but I will help by writing about Dia in the Danish 
documentation project "Linux - Friheden til at vælge".

And I will send bugreports of the new 0.87 release 
so the 0.88 can be released very quickly.

> Do you want bugs to be eliminated, than tell about!

I have...

> >Then reason we aren't seeing a release is that our maintainer, James
> >Henstridge, seems to have slunk away somewhere.
> >
> goto start_of_mail;

I read is as you are the new maintainer - 
or am I wrong.

The most enjoyable greetings

Claus Sorensen              K L I D
Chairman               ------------------        Mobile: +45 20 94 62 34
Noddelunden 110         Commercial Linux         Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK-2765 Smorum       Association of Denmark      Web:

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