Dear collegues,
I've been reading with great interests your posts in the latest months and now 
I'd like you to ask your opinion about a topic that is going to be an 
important part of my research.
I am doing my PhD in Italy with a project on the Digital divide from the point 
of view of Education. I am studying how can education reduce the DD with media 
literacy and how teachers can help children to achieve a good level of the 
so-called "digital skills", to access ICT and Internet and to produce 
Now, this year I will follow a field research in a primary school where 
teachers are going to introduce the OLPC laptop as a tool in their method of 
theaching. Then, in the new year I'd like to compare the results to another 
area of the world (I'm thinking of Buenos Ayres, Argentina).
I'm asking to you all what you think - out of any preconcept that I might share 
- about the initiative of OLPC in the world (if it is a goof initiave or not 
and why) and which aspect would you stress in a field research like this one 
(e.g. skills of the teacher, self-learning of the child, 
creativity and flexibility of the project, etc.).
I will appreciate very much your help.
Thank you!
Magda Pischetola

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