
Brilliant...   I  love what you are doing...  I am sort of envious as there
are so many wonderful issues to research that I did not think of when I did
my doctoral work..

Anyhow...   on to your topic...

there was a time when I was not a believer of  OLPC... yet I am enlightened
now after viewing OLPC from an education perspective.

you ask for opinions...   yes it is an amazing initiative...  there have
been various computer projects that have brought to light the need for low
power devices that are appropriate for emerging markets, yet it is probably
OLPC that has opened more disruptive discussion on deployment in the largely
ignored segment of those who cannot afford mainstream technology at
developed world prices.

Yet the real importance is that OLPC is not about the technology... sure  it
brings amazing technology to light... but lift the sheets and you will see
it is about changing the way we teach and learn...  in my personal opinion
it is about thinking out of the box, a realization that if one learns how to
learn they need not depend on schools...  if deployed correctly it can give
kids a tool that will excite them in their exploration of the world around
them - opening up new paths to creative inquiry where encouraging their
community to take rethink traditional rote learning of pre-digested approved

I suggest seeing OLPC in action in a remote/rural or  disadvantaged
community...   the greatest change will be visible where few options for
decent quality schooling are present.

best of luck on your study...   hope you will regularly report back to us...


John "Tim"  Denny, Ph.D.
  Advisor- International Development, Education  and ICT
  Executive Director, PC4peace
  Advisory Board, Masters of Development Studies -RUPP
  International Journal of Multicultural Education, Electronic Green Journal
 Join Cambodia Joomla! Users group -

"The diligent farmer plants trees of which he himself will never see the
fruit." Cicero (106-43 BCE)

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Magda Pischetola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> Dear collegues,
> I've been reading with great interests your posts in the latest months and
> now I'd like you to ask your opinion about a topic that is going to be an
> important part of my research.
> I am doing my PhD in Italy with a project on the Digital divide from the
> point of view of Education. I am studying how can education reduce the DD
> with media literacy and how teachers can help children to achieve a good
> level of the so-called "digital skills", to access ICT and Internet and to
> produce development.
> Now, this year I will follow a field research in a primary school where
> teachers are going to introduce the OLPC laptop as a tool in their method of
> theaching. Then, in the new year I'd like to compare the results to another
> area of the world (I'm thinking of Buenos Ayres, Argentina).
> I'm asking to you all what you think - out of any preconcept that I might
> share - about the initiative of OLPC in the world (if it is a goof initiave
> or not and why) and which aspect would you stress in a field research like
> this one (e.g. skills of the teacher, self-learning of the child,
> creativity and flexibility of the project, etc.).
> I will appreciate very much your help.
> Thank you!
> Magda Pischetola
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