Claude Almansi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Norbert, I am no way a specialist of universal design - I don't
> design, let alone universally - so I hope others will answer your
> question as to its use for fighting the discriminations you list
> below.

Claude, thanks a lot for sharing these valuable thoughts and
reminding me that "universal design" is a term with an already
pretty fixed meaning (which alas happens to be much less broad
than I would have liked it to be, despite the adjective
"universal" being part of the term).

I suppose what I'm looking for is a broader alliance encompassing
more concerns than juts the areas of concern which are being
addressed by what is (at least currently) understood as being
"universal design".

The kind of broader alliance that I have in mind could perhaps be
called "universal freedom design alliance": In addition to the
concerns addressed by what is currently called "universal design",
topics of concern would also encompass "electronic freedom" topics
including privacy topics, freedom to use encryption, freedom to use
software that you can be freely modified without being as a
consequence locked out from impottant information sources, etc.


Norbert Bollow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Informatics Management and Consulting for Adaptability and Benefit/Cost
Optimization in Harmony with Human Rights and Needs
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