On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 22:50:16 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Sunday, 3 January 2021 at 20:31:41 UTC, welkam wrote:
You should put yourself in the boots of Atila. If you accept a change that later turns out to be bad idea you cant just take it out.

This is just silly. You don't have to accept a specific solution...



If an indirection through an alias causes type unification to fail then that is a serious type system failure. No excuses please...

"workarounds" are indeed just excuses, telling people "workarounds" they already know about is borderline offensive. I wouldn't call it mocking, but I certainly see why it can be perceived as such.

I suppose the answer would be that D doesn't pretend to support all C++ template features and the bug is not a bug because we live with this somehow for years. I didn't believe it when I got a similar answer about IEEE floating-point numbers: D doesn't pertinent to be IEEE 754 compatible language and the extended precision bug is declared to be a language feature. I suppose we shouldn't expect D to pretend to be a robust language for large business projects.

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