On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 15:49:33 -0500, Phil Deets <pjdee...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:01:04 -0500, Trass3r <mrmoc...@gmx.de> wrote:

Phil Deets schrieb:
I tried Descent, but it didn't work well at all with my D2 program. It also didn't support building. I'll look into Poseidon. Thanks.

D2 support isn't that good in Descent yet.
Building is supported by using the external tools feature, though you should really use xfBuild, dsss totally fails for me when it comes to D2.

I had never heard of xfBuild. I'll look into it. It looks good based on a brief look at their website.

Wow, my first impressions of using xfBuild aren't good. I gave my thoughts and my cmd session below. First, I couldn't find any documentation so I tried a -? switch.

C:\Documents and Settings\Phil Deets\My Documents\Tech\Projects\D\D Test>xfbuild
object.Exception: At least one MODULE needs to be specified, see +help
[  429045]       0+0   tango.core.stacktrace.WinStackTrace.winAddrBacktrace
                        @0+87413 :0
[ 424c39] 0+0 tango.core.stacktrace.StackTrace.defaultAddrBacktrace
                        @0+69993 :0
[ 406c9d] 0+0 xf.utils.Profiler.__T7profileVG4aa4_6d61696eZ.profile!(vo
id).profile             @0+9 ..\utils\Profiler.d:121
[  4022aa]       0+0   __Dmain
                        @0+9 Main.d:107
[  42ba67]       0+0   _main
                        @0+98199 :0
[  4374e0]       0+0   _mainCRTStartup
                        @0+145936 :0
[7c817074]       0+0   ???
                           @0+2084582820 :0

Seems strange that caused an exceptions, but OK, so it mentions +help. I'll try that.

C:\Documents and Settings\Phil Deets\My Documents\Tech\Projects\D\D Test>xfbuild
tango.core.Exception.IOException: .deps :: The volume for a file has been extern
ally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
[  429045]       0+0   tango.core.stacktrace.WinStackTrace.winAddrBacktrace
                        @0+87413 :0
[ 424c39] 0+0 tango.core.stacktrace.StackTrace.defaultAddrBacktrace
                        @0+69993 :0
[  40cdb0]       0+0   xfbuild.BuildTask.BuildTask._ctor
                        @0+5 BuildTask.d:44
[ 40dbbd] 0+0 xf.utils.Profiler.__T7profileVG18aa18_4275696c645461736b2
e7265616444657073Z.profile!(void).profile @0+9 ..\utils\Profiler.d:121
[  40cd94]       0+0   xfbuild.BuildTask.BuildTask._ctor
                        @0+10 BuildTask.d:43
[  402c24]       0+0   xfbuild.Main.main.__dgliteral1
                        @0+35 Main.d:262
[ 406c9d] 0+0 xf.utils.Profiler.__T7profileVG4aa4_6d61696eZ.profile!(vo
id).profile             @0+9 ..\utils\Profiler.d:121
[  4022aa]       0+0   __Dmain
                        @0+9 Main.d:107
[  42ba67]       0+0   _main
                        @0+98199 :0
[  4374e0]       0+0   _mainCRTStartup
                        @0+145936 :0
[7c817074]       0+0   ???
                           @0+2084582820 :0

Another exception. Maybe I should just not use a switch.

C:\Documents and Settings\Phil Deets\My Documents\Tech\Projects\D\D Test>xfbuild

xfBuild 0.4 :: Copyright (C) 2009 Team0xf

        xfbuild [--help]
        xfbuild [ROOT | OPTION | COMPILER OPTION]...

Track dependencies and their changes of one or more modules, compile the
with COMPILER OPTION(s) and link all objects into OUTPUT [see OPTION(s)]

        String ended with either ".d" or "/" indicating a module
        or a directory of modules to be compiled, respectively.

        OPTION(s) are prefixed by "+".
        COMPILER OPTION(s) are anything that is not OPTION(s) or ROOT(s).

Recognized OPTION(s):
        +xPACKAGE    Don't compile any modules within the package
        +full        Perform a full build
        +clean       Remove object files
        +redep       Remove the dependency file
        +v           Print the compilation commands
        +h           Manage headers for faster compilation
        +profile     Dump profiling info at the end
        +modLimitNUM Compile max NUM modules at a time
+DDEPS Put the resulting dependencies into DEPS [default: .deps]
        +OOBJS       Put compiled objects into OBJS [default: .objs]
        +q           Use -oq when compiling (only supported by ldc)
        +noop        Don't use -op when compiling
        +nolink      Don't link
        +oOUTPUT     Link objects into the resulting binary OUTPUT
        +cCOMPILER   Use the D Compiler COMPILER [default: dmd]
+rmo Reverse Module Order (when compiling - might uncrash OPTLIN

Environment Variables:
        XFBUILDFLAGS You can put any option from above into that variable
Note: Keep in mind that command line options override
        D_COMPILER   The D Compiler to use [default: dmd]
                       Note: XFBUILDFLAGS and command line options override

That worked. Now I want everything in the pd directory to be compiled. It looks like xfbuild pd/ should do the trick according to what I just read.

C:\Documents and Settings\Phil Deets\My Documents\Tech\Projects\D\D Test>xfbuild
tango.core.Exception.IOException: .deps :: The volume for a file has been extern
ally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
[  429045]       0+0   tango.core.stacktrace.WinStackTrace.winAddrBacktrace
                        @0+87413 :0
[ 424c39] 0+0 tango.core.stacktrace.StackTrace.defaultAddrBacktrace
                        @0+69993 :0
[  40cdb0]       0+0   xfbuild.BuildTask.BuildTask._ctor
                        @0+5 BuildTask.d:44
[ 40dbbd] 0+0 xf.utils.Profiler.__T7profileVG18aa18_4275696c645461736b2
e7265616444657073Z.profile!(void).profile @0+9 ..\utils\Profiler.d:121
[  40cd94]       0+0   xfbuild.BuildTask.BuildTask._ctor
                        @0+10 BuildTask.d:43
[  402c24]       0+0   xfbuild.Main.main.__dgliteral1
                        @0+35 Main.d:262
[ 406c9d] 0+0 xf.utils.Profiler.__T7profileVG4aa4_6d61696eZ.profile!(vo
id).profile             @0+9 ..\utils\Profiler.d:121
[  4022aa]       0+0   __Dmain
                        @0+9 Main.d:107
[  42ba67]       0+0   _main
                        @0+98199 :0
[  4374e0]       0+0   _mainCRTStartup
                        @0+145936 :0
[7c817074]       0+0   ???
                           @0+2084582820 :0

What's with the exceptions? Am I doing something wrong? I am using D 2.032

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