As for mysqln, I merged jrogers patches and changed uint to size_t so it compiles on x64. You can look at it here: It hasn't been tested beyond connecting to the database and fetching metadata yet. And my repository will go away very soon as I'll rather help with the original library (if Steve Teale comes back) or the one in vibe.

Thanks for sharing the modified code. I was able to compile it without any issue and I am able to fetch the meta data. I will be testing more to run insert and select queries. But I found a bug in the code. If you don't specify the password for your test mySQL server then the mysql.d fails. It is always expecting a password and on empty password it throws the exception.

file: mysql.d
function: open [line 1415]

I think when it calls _socket.send then it fails.

So far other that this issue, it is working good and if it gets stable then certainly I will move forward with a project in D Language. I will be using the mongoDB and mySQL so this driver will be important for me, in fact for other's too as they mentioned in this thread.

One question though, is it thread safe?

Thanks for everyone's effort to make this driver work!

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