On 4/30/12 11:57 PM, simendsjo wrote:
On 4/29/12 11:48 PM, dnewbie wrote:
On Saturday, 28 April 2012 at 15:30:13 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

I use it in a bank account application. It works.

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:19:29 +0200, James Oliphant
<jollie.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Actually, it looks like the vibe folks are using my fork of Steve Teales
mysqln. I had hoped to contact Steve first, so that these changes existed
in one place.
All of the changes exist in individual branches off the master branch.
will merge these into one file fuzzily.
What they are is as follows:
seperatemain - split main() into its own file (app.d in vibe).
seperatemainwithport - main() using branch addporttoconnection.
addporttoconnection - add no standard port selection to Connection.
fixfordmd2058 - cosmetic changes to work with dmd-2.058.
fixresultset - allow the return of an empty resultset. When
iterating schema, test had no tables and would crash.
fixconnection - would only connect to localhost in Steve's code.
I have other changes that I haven't pushed up yet relating to NUMERIC and
null variants with a more detailed main.d.
Vibe.d looks interesting, I hope these fixes help.

Yes, your patches has been merged. Of course it would be best to have
everything database complete already, but I'm glad it's been merged
as-is for now - it might take a long time (and has already) before a
generic database interface is completed.

Looking at the code of mysql.d I see a big switch with many cases like "case 0x01: // TINYINT". But then there's the SQLType enum with those constants. Why the enum values are not used in the cases? (and also in other parts of the code?)

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