On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:57:57 +0200, simendsjo wrote:

> Yes, your patches has been merged. Of course it would be best to have
> everything database complete already, but I'm glad it's been merged
> as-is for now - it might take a long time (and has already) before a
> generic database interface is completed.

Hi simendsjo,

I now see your repository at:

Is there a way that we can have one central repository that people can 
pull from. I would like it to be Steve's since that is the one everybody 
knows, but I am not sure he wants to manage pull requests and such (If 
your are listening Steve, please weigh in). He seems to be enjoying 
"Adventures in Woodworking" and may not have any fingers left when he 
finishes his latest project (just joking, read your blog). Otherwise, 
maybe we could use your repository listed above.

My goal is not a generic database interface discussed previously in these 
groups. I just want an interface for mysql/mariadb and less so for 
postgresql at this point.

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