Walter Bright wrote:
> Chad J wrote:
>> Or, better yet:
>> Cross-platform C code.
>> Get me that and I have a lot less reason to even care about the others.
> The problem with generating C code is: exception handling

Perhaps you could emit C++ code that is nearly identical to C code.
This then gives you the exception handling.  For targets that don't have
a C++ compiler, generate C.  Exception handling will just have to be
broken on those.  In terms of everything on the list and game consoles,
this should work, no?

It might be a problem for the microcontrollers mentioned elsewhere in
this thread, since those may only have the C compilers available.  I can
live with this.  (They'll only be missing exception handling support...
I suspect there'll be bigger problems on these machines.)

Maybe there is a better way?

At any rate, please don't just give up on this!  GAME CONSOLES Walter!

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