On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 02:48:05 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Using standard zip tools is a big plus.

Yes, but why limit yourself in this way?

The easy answer is look at the problems stemming from dmd using an object file format on Win32 that nobody else uses.

I didn't say dmd should use a format that no one uses. What I did say, is that you should not be limiting the choices people want to make for themselves.

The current approach is a self-limiting approach that is unable to make effective use of the resourcefulness of the D community.

DMD may be open source, but it's a monolithic system that is very unfriendly to extensibility and re-use. Look at this thread of discussion, it is caused by the inability to make effective use out of the compiler in ways should be of absolutely no concern to you.

You should be looking at ways of enabling users to be as free and creative as they can be, and that means you must let them make their own mistakes, not the opposite.


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