On 12/19/12 5:43 PM, deadalnix wrote:
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 at 22:30:29 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/19/12 5:07 PM, deadalnix wrote:
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 at 21:48:22 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
Walter needs to chime in about that. One possibility is to continue
using tags for marking releases, and then branch for the few important
releases that we want to patch.

Note that what is described on the wiki distinguish new version (that
actually bring new stuff) and revision (that contains only bugfixes).

Does having branches that are not used anymore is a problem ? They'll
not make the repository much bigger because the data is in history

I kinda like the idea that we have tags for releases not planned for
long term support and distinguished branches for those that we do.
Clarifies intent a lot.

Should something be released if nobody will support it ?

My understanding is that's what many projects do. Supporting each minor release would make for a ton of work.

If it is in order to provide overview of what is coming in the next
version, I guess the best option is to provide a snapshot of the staging
branch on regular basis (and call it beta or whatever).

No, I'm not talking about previews.

Reading this answer, I start to think that we have something pretty
close in mind but fail to explain it to each other.

That's quite possible. Again, I'm not an expert in the matter and turned to the community for that reason. What we're looking for is a process that makes things better for everyone involved without having too much overhead.


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