On 01/23/2013 10:59 PM, monarch_dodra wrote:
IMO: We should be able to keep the optional parenthesis for all
functions (except maybe those that return delegates). Things that are
marked as property, however, MUST respect two things:
1) properties should *NEVER* have parentheses.
2) you should not be able to take the address of a property function.
3) The "a.prop = value" should call "a.prop(value)" IFF prop is declared

This (I think), should make everyone happy. Callers can still choose
their own styles, especially in the context of UFCS.

As for @property: this makes it able to guarantee what it was originally
designed for.


Or am I completely wrong? Did I miss anything?

1 and 2 are necessary. I do not care about 3.

IIRC Adam likes to have both fun = value and fun(value) available for the same function.

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