On Thursday, 24 January 2013 at 05:16:32 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I think that shows how different editors or even just personal
typing styles can affect our coding style. For me, I'll do stuff like:

Aye, I think this applies to my non-caring about identifier name length too - I use tab completion in my editor.

I've tried some of those auto parens things, and it just confuses me. I guess I could get used to it (I recently started playing one of those newer shooter games. I come from Perfect Dark on the N64, so I'm used to what Halo called "legacy controls". The new controls were totally unusable to me.... but I was forced to stick with it for a while and now kinda am ok. I just hope it hasn't ruined my aptitude at PD controls! Perfect Dark is still the best shooter ever.).

But still, it isn't that big of a deal, my way works very well 99.9% of the time.

Probably not surprising that I avoid trying to code on anything but a full-size keyboard with a proper section of <arrows, del,
home, end, pgup, pgdn>, because coding on, say, a laptop
keyboard (even one with a numpad) is a huge slowdown.

Yeah, I spend some time on a laptop (a little 12" one too) and it isn't as nice as the real keyboard, but I got one with a decent key placement and remapped some of the keys to fit the muscle memory anyway, so it isn't that bad.

The worst thing about my laptop keyboard is the 9 key doesn't work right and needs extra force. Since that's also (, ugh! But I'm cheap so whatever.

Heh, actually, case in point, take a look at my normal work setup:

lol, I got one of those ipads as a gift last year. I found it totally useless except for the angry birds and watching some video streams, i.e. not work at all.

But, I wanted a computer in my other room last week. My laptop is never at home, so I looked into buying something.

And my decision was sure to be painful to Steve Jobs: I bought an off brand usb thingy for the pad, and a full sized (Microsoft brand LOL) keyboard. Combined with an ssh app for the pad thingy (death to lowercase i), it became almost useful.

So I was only in for $20 and now have a halfway usable portable computer. No mouse though. Yes arrow keys (thank god, the morons at Apple refuse to put them in, which makes this thing utterly useless for anything other than their small set of sanctioned activities. OK, that apparently serves millions of people and turns an enormous profit, but that doesn't matter to /me/!). But, surprisingly, no to home and end!

Maybe it is just mapped wrong though, I haven't looked into the details.

Still though, 3/4 of a real keyboard is lightyears beyond the touch nonsense, and the price for the hack beat the crap out of buying a real computer.

Geez, we still don't have that?

We spend too much time arguing over optional parenthesis!

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