Am 30.03.2013 11:12, schrieb Minas Mina:
On Saturday, 30 March 2013 at 09:17:17 UTC, Namespace wrote:
And to pull the reverse: Why should '@val ref' be more intuitive than
ref&? Or why should be '@ref' more intuitive?
What I mean by that:
Both the Property as well as the hybrid path have their weaknesses and
are not necessarily immediately obvious. But we should choose one of
them and focus on this so that somebody can make a pull request for it.

Because & in C++ means "by ref".
D has "ref" for that.

So ref& doesn't make sense. One might think it as a double reference(?)

I have to agree on that. My first impression was that ref& is equal to c++11 &&

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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