I had the same problem when writing the D/Objective-C bridge. Basically, if you ask the Objective-C runtime to instanciate a class not previously registered, it won't find it. My choice was to require manual pre-registrations of the classes you want to use, and register everything that is possible lazily as soon as you use a bridged class.

Yes, and that "pre-registration" is only there to make the compiler generate the required compile-time reflection code (like with .tupleof or __traits). While compile-time reflection is probably really more flexible than runtime reflection, requiring this kind of "registration" remains a weakness of the compile-time approach.

Solutions would be to make reflection fully dynamic (as you said) and extend RTTI for that, or to provide better ways to inspect modules as a whole.

For the latter, maybe __traits should just be able to inspect all members of a module, and to follow imports. Or one could introduce some kind of "module preprocessor", which enables you to execute code for each module at compile time (transparent for the processed module).

Just by the way, annotations would also be nice. It's annoying to add additional information to members without them. This "additional information" can be stuff like default values, versioning of serializable members, behavior for missing values on deserialization, human readable help text if you want to use reflection to read/write user configuration files...

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