On 7/15/2013 3:08 AM, Dicebot wrote:
Yeah, sure, I have no problem having website itself maintained via GitHub - but
in my opinion it makes it much more static than it should be. For example, I'd
absolutely love to see news & announcements added to the main page but don't see
how it is going to happen if adding single piece of content goes through pull
request procedure. Latency issues, by the time it is merged, information is
likely to become irrelevant.

That's why the d_programming twitter feed was added to the front page.

In any case, Ddoc can be used to insert the contents of an "announcements" file into the front page. The problem, however, is someone has to write those announcements on a timely basis. Nobody has shown any interest in doing so, and although I've tried to do it on numerous occaisions, I just lose steam rather quickly because it bores me to tears.

The twitter feed is as easy as it gets, and I still don't regularly post to it. (Andrei also posts to the d_programming feed.)

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