On 7/15/13 4:13 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/15/2013 6:12 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
If Walter wants to modify the copyright notice, he could modify the file
_includes/copyright.html. No need to search for a macro named copyright.

Are you also going to fix all your .c files to replace:

    #define ABC 3
    #define DEF(i) ((i) + 3)

with a separate file for every macro:

    #include "abc.h"
    #include "def.h"


I think writing a program and writing a static website are totally different things.

If you want to reuse something in a static website you use a partial: something that's included. You can optionally pass parameters to that partial.

What you usually want to include is HTML, not a value or an expression, so it makes sense to put it in a separate html (markdown, whatever) file.

Yes, it's similar to a macro, but that's how *everyone* is doing web development.

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