On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 20:48:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
We've been experimenting with http://code.dlang.org for a while and things are going well. In particular Sönke has been very active about maintaining and improving it, which brings further confidence in the future of the project.

We're considering making dub the official package manager for D. What do you all think?

Several remarks (I'm a dub newbie, so it is mostly conditional stuff) : - Can we manage repositories ? For instance can I use my company repo instead of code.dlang.org ? Can I use several repositories with some kind of priorisation ?
 - How does the tool handle several version of a package ?
- What is the process to get some code on code.dlang.org ? We must settle something if this have to go "official". - What is the dependance management strategy used ? How does it resolve conflicts ?

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