On 11/18/2013 06:13 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

Why? dmd is very fast at compiling. I'm not sure what is being saved here.

It's not the time argument, but correctly listing all modules that go into the same DLL as additional compilation argument.

You can see an earlier proposals of the DIP.

http://wiki.dlang.org/?title=DIP45&oldid=2921 - export(exampleLib)
dmd -m64 -export libA -of"libA.dll" dllmain.d libA.d -L/DLL -L/IMPLIB:"libA.lib" dmd -m64 -export libB -import libA -of"libB.dll" dllmain.d libB.d -L/DLL -L/IMPLIB:"libB.lib" -LlibA.lib
    dmd -m64 -import libB -import libA main.d -LlibA.lib -LlibB.lib

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