Simen Kjærås:

However, given that this code compiles and works perfectly:

void baz() {
   import std.typecons;
   Tuple!(int, int) a;
   Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y") b;
   a = b; // Implicit conversion to less specialized type.
   b = a; // Implicit conversion to more specialized type.

I think "b = a;" is an accepts-invalid bug.

void foo(TaggedUnion!(float, string, int, MyStruct) arg) {}

Do you mean Algebraic?

Regarding the topic of implicit conversions, I propose to warn and then deprecate and then disallow the following two implicit casts, that only cause confusion, and are of no real utility:

enum Foo { A, B }
void main() {
    enum int i1 = 1;
    bool b1 = i1; // deprecate
    int i2 = Foo.A; // deprecate


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