On 12/12/2013 4:44 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> Ok, so who's next who wants to share?


The biggest thing for me is that the hot dog shop I opened in at the end of October of last year really took off this past spring. We got a great review in a local expat magazine and a number of Korean "power bloggers" at naver.com and elsewhere have driven a lot of traffic our way. We've done no active marketing whatsoever. It's all been word-of-mouth. The guy from the magazine heard about us that way. It's hard to find really good hot dog shops in Seoul, so that's been a big plus on our side.

And on a personal note, I "won" NaNoWriMo. This was my first year participating. I thought it was going to be difficult, but it was so much fun that I hardly broke a sweat. This was a very big deal for me. I've always loved writing, but I hadn't written any fiction in over ten years. And I had never written anything novel-length before. It was very liberating.


I need to finish a project in D! I've got a dozen D projects in various states of completion just bit-rotting on my hard drive. My biggest goal in 2014 is to put all of my attention on *one* of them and get it done.

To facilitate that, I also want to grow the hot dog business somewhat. We're planning to expand the menu and I'm hoping that, coupled with some promotional activities we're considering, will bring in enough new business for us to hire a couple of regular employees so I can take some time off. Right now, I'm only off two days in a month. And I still have a handful of classes to teach, besides. I need more coding time!

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