On 13 December 2013 00:18, Francesco Cattoglio <
francesco.cattog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 10:43:24 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> I'm very keen to resurrect the project (well, start a new one, with clean
>> code, in D).
>> Are there any music game nerds hanging around here who would be interested
>> in joining a side project like this? It's a lot more motivating, and much
>> more fun to work in a small team.
> I absolutely agree, small teams keep you motivated and discussing ideas
> makes the work so much faster.
> I can tell you I am interested. I have been thinking about music-based
> games for quite a long time, and even took part of the team that produced a
> music-based game in a Videogame Design and Programming class in University.
> Unfortunately the group leader was... well... a bad leader in my opinion,
> and the tool used was Unity.
> This said, if you plan on starting your code from scratch, you might
> actually want to do something different from Guitar Hero. EG: Have you ever
> played Synaesthete? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp0Gasls0Sg
> I find it both amazing and ADDICTING AS HELL, every time I listen to the
> songs I feel like playing it over and over and over again.

It looks like Beatmania meets Geometry Wars meets... something that I can't
quite recall what it is.
It still has the element of a timed sequences against a music track, so
that maps perfectly. The presentation of that game is a project in itself,
but I don't see why such an extensible system shouldn't be supported.

For me, the entire point is to make a GH/RB engine. I want to play those
games, but I'm sick of swapping disc's all the time, and I also want to
open it up to a proper custom song community.
I like to make projects like that as extensible and customisable as
possible. You could add a Synaesthete plugin for instance, or probably more
universally, add support for any other instruments or presentation modes
people like. Bring back dance pad mode! ;)
The core of the work is an extensible frontend, and a good input
recognition system combined with tight synchronisation.

The frontend, UI, presentation, etc is probably 80% of the work. I can
probably knock the GAME part together in a weekend.
It needs a good extensible theme system where the front-end experience can
be scripted to mimic existing games, or evolved to do new and interesting
things that people can tinker with.
StepMania did this well. There were community skins for the official Dance
Dance Revolution games, but the default one extended the game in ways
Konami never did. People also added other game modes/styles on top of it
which made it an interesting game in its own right, even though it stated
as an engine/emulator for an existing game.
I think the starting point is important though to gain initial
users/contributors, who all agree on initial goals, ie, to accurately
emulate the GH/RB experience.

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