On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 09:20:38PM +0100, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> On 12/12/13 19:52, John Colvin wrote:
> >Delay between people isn't really the problem, it's delay in hearing
> >yourself that's the killer.
> Think people listening to people they hear with delay for their
> musical cues, and the people they are listening to listening to
> _them_ for their musical cues, and the feedback effect that might
> result ... :-)  You have to get used to the fact that the right time
> to play may sound like the wrong time to play relative to some other
> group spatially separated from you.
> By the same token, if everyone plays precisely with the conductor,
> they don't actually play precisely together as far as the audience
> is concerned, which is why professional orchestras tend to play a
> bit behind the conductor's beat.

Ahh, so *that's* why they do that!! I've always been wondering why the
orchestra always seems to be out-of-beat with the conductor, and why the
conductor's beats don't seem to line up with the actual sound.



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