On Sun, 19 Jan 2014 05:34:46 -0800, Zoadian <git...@zoadian.de> wrote:

uh, i do read the forums from time to time. But I never read anything about project aurora. I inititally thought this thread is about my project. 'aurora' was the name for my engine for years. (i do have a working deferred rendering engine, the published one is just my ongoing rewrite to clean up the existing one and add tile based rendering).

Having two 3D engines with the same name is stupid indeed, so we have two choices:
1. I rename my project. (name suggestions are welcome)
2. We combine effort.

please contact me on github or irc (#d or #d.de)


I think because of timezones I keep missing you. I live on the US West Coast so we're a few hours apart. I do apologize for the naming confusion. Walter and I picked the name a few weeks ago without any knowledge of your work at the time. If you would be willing to rename your engine that would be very appreciated. As for combining efforts, it would mean that you'd have to conform to the goals of Aurora, and I don't know that you'd want too. And it might actually be better to have your engine separate as more of purpose-built game engine where Aurora is targeted at a more general graphics audience. Those are my thoughts, what are you thinking?

Adam Wilson
GitHub/IRC: LightBender
Aurora Project Coordinator

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