On 2/10/14, 4:04 AM, "Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dl...@gmail.com>" wrote:
One hobby of mine is to read Intel/AMD CPU docs, raytracing papers and
compiler stuff, and discussing those aspects and improving my
understanding of those areas is fun. I am loosing hope in that direction
for D, because I don't think D has anyone with a strong interest in
project management that can drive it in that direction. The responses
from the D leads shows signs, not of a lack of skills, but a lack of
interest in project management "theory" (and unfortunately, that is an
area where I know the theory quite well since I majored in that area).

Terrific. The challenge here is to adapt project management theory to the realities of a volunteer project.

Instead of A.A. and W.B. going defensive (and yes it is painful to see
your child get a needle in the foot at the doctor to get that vaccine
that will keep the child healthy in the long term) they should try to
get someone into the team of leads that has an interest in software
development process and software process improvement.

We're not getting defensive here. Clearly we could and should move faster than we do, and there must be ways to be better at that. I'm all ears on advice on how to do better. I just have difficulty seeing how more management would help.


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