On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 18:36:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/13/2014 11:04 AM, bossfong wrote:
Although it might sound very much like a Facebook fanboy, I would really like to have a way to agree to a post/someones opinion without having to go through the
(to me tedious) process of writing a reply.
I also think this would get rid of the "+1" posts, which I find to be annoying. Another reason why I think a Like/Thanks/Upvote/whateveryouwanttocallit feature
would be helpfully is the following:

I would also like a voting system, much like what reddit has. The downside is such a system can easily be gamed. I know reddit has stuff in place to blunt gaming, and such may be beyond our resources to do (it requires constant attention).

I'd like to have a _separate_ voting system, based on GitHub authentication. It would help with processing Phobos inclusion votes and any similar stuff. Voting on random comments has negative communication impact as far as my online experience shows.

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