On 26/06/2014 9:15 PM, Wyatt wrote:

I'll first admit I'm not fond of the font. I do agree with a sans serif
with fairly thick stroke, but I don't like the vertical stress and I
think a wider counter definitely looks better with these proportions.
What's the font in the current logo?

I don't know for sure, but I don't think its from a named font, rather it is probably hand drawn. (Designers tend to create a lot of partial fonts for customers because of licensing issues.) Very few typefaces have Ds that are wider that they are tall, like the one in the current logo appears.

The top two, I'm not sure how I feel about the hard edges.  More
importantly, though, I don't think there's enough contrast between the
red/pink and the white, so the "D" is rather hard to see.  How about
going darker on those?  Another option might be to give the letter a
thin outline.

The main red that I chose to use in all the variations so far is #DD0000, which was entirely a coincidence, but I do like the association. In those top two images, 90% of the time they took to draw was in the selection of a shade of pink that I thought contrasted nicely between the red and the white, but that is obviously very subjective.

The bottom six, I'm not keen on the use of black.  I find it clashes
harshly with the white and red.  But changing the white would muddle the
contrast with red, so maybe ease the black back to something a bit more
mild...say, #1F252B?  The shadows on the moons are nice, though; gives
them some interest and lightening the black would mess with that...
maybe make the shadows a darker red?  Not sure on that part.

What is Black, white an Red all over?
There is a named colour called Outer Space (#414A4C), but I think its meant as a shade of wax crayon. It doesn't look too bad however with, as you suggested, redder shadows on the moons.


Thanks for your feed back ^^


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