On 26/06/2014 9:34 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Of all these, I find that I like the bottom right one the most.

I divided the options into left and right based on the emotion that I felt the angle of the shadow on the moon suggested, the left side are the ones that I felt were happy and optimistic, the right side the sadder ones, so I'm very surprised that anyone would pick a favourite from the right side oO

thing that could improve, though, is the planet's margin shouldn't be
white; it clashes with the D. Maybe a slight reddening of the white band
should fix it.

Good call, but quick experimentation has not found just the right colour yet. It seems that in order not to disappear it needs to get darker.

Also, it may help if the margin of the shadows on the
moons were made a tad softer -- make the edge between the two halves of
each moon just a little less sharp.

I like this idea.


Thanks for your feedback.

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