On 27/10/2014 22:53, landaire wrote:
On Monday, 27 October 2014 at 22:43:55 UTC, Jeremy Powers via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

From my mucking about before, I think you'll get more mileage from using
libdparse directly than trying to (re)implement a parser for the plugin.
For one, you save yourself all the pain of fixing weird edge cases and
keeping up to date.

I agree, but integrating something external with IntelliJ's platform
seems like kind of a PITA. It looks like a lot of stuff makes heavy use
of PSI trees (see:

I'm no expert in developing IntelliJ plugins either though...

Have you considered the option of creating a Psi parser than creates PsiElements from the AST parsed by DDT's DTool ? That would should be fairly straightforward.

With of a fork of DDT/Dtool, you can even easily modify the DDT/Dtool parser to generate those PsiElements directly.

Bruno Medeiros

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