On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 18:25:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 1/27/15 10:10 AM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
Would people want and use a website that tracks who's working on what in the D Programming Language? People would go to the site and be able to find out what's being worked on, what's not being worked on, who's working on what, what bugs are being worked on. People will have to use the site and submit what they are working on though. I'd be willing to
write such a site if people think it would be useful.

We used http://trello.com for a while, it didn't catch up.

Stuff we're working on, help welcome: http://goo.gl/N28FaC

Stuff we're currently not working on, help welcome: http://goo.gl/lqKrsT



Yes looking at PRs and Issues on github does solve the problems I posted. There are other issues I could list but I didn't know that the community has already tired this before (trello). Maybe not the best use of my time then.

I will say I agreed with your post about us needing to focus on the important features. Since you have a much bigger picture of what's important to get done, could you list a few features you think are the highest priority to get done that aren't being worked on? I could take a gander and try to tackle one. Thanks.

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