On Monday, 8 June 2015 at 19:48:41 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
I see a problem that having those features in C++ will reduce the desire from companies to adopt D.

There is certainly some truth to that, but I think that it's pretty clear that in most cases, they can't do as good a job of it as D, simply because they have too much baggage in the language. And as long as we continue to improve D, we'll stay ahead of them anyway.

At very least they should acknowledge all of you guys for the ideas.

Perhaps, but we're all borrowing from each other all the time, and it's frequently the case that acknowledgement isn't given - and when it is, at least some of the time, it's given to someone who copied the idea from someone else. Sure, it might be nice if the C++ folks acknowledged that more of what they're adding to C++ came from D, but really, we just want them to start using D. :)

And Andrei actually pointed out in a panel at dconf that he doesn't care about getting credit. So, I don't think that Walter or Andrei are all that worried about it.

Still, I thought that it was pretty sad when Walter pointed out to me that he'd recently heard/read someone state that CTFE was inspired by C++'s constexpr. I have to laugh at it though.

What matters at the end of the day is if we can make D a successful language that we want to use and not whether other folks give us credit when they borrow our ideas (much as it would be nice to get credit from time to time), especially when you consider how many ideas we borrowed from elsewhere without really worrying about giving credit.

- Jonathan M Davis

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