On 23/07/2015 10:16 p.m., Tofu Ninja wrote:
Though it seems like D is already be moving in that direction. Color and
image being worked on,

We need image for a lot more then just game dev. Without it, we will never get a GUI toolkit. Web dev will also suffer, barcode generation anyone?

allocators and less reliance on GC, and all the

Any high performance program including web development requires allocators and friends. In fact, right now allocators are the only way to do web development in D properly. With having each request able to allocate things temporarily and have it auto deallocate without the GC being a burden.

great game dev related packages in dub, D is already moving towards good
game dev. Some basic vector math in phobos would really be a great
addition as well.

Gl3n, we need to get that into Phobos. My knowledge of math isn't good enough to do it. But it should already be pretty reliable on that side of things. It just need to be modified to Phobos standards/requirements.

It's an old library, but a damn good one. We would be stupid to not get it in. People are remaking it poorly as it is.


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