On 2015-12-17 00:01, Walter Bright wrote:


We'll never get anywhere chasing people who say "I'll help only if you
convert to my way of doing things." I've done enough of that in the
past, and concluded they're just seeing how long you'll dance to their
tune and have no real intention of ever helping - there will just be
another excuse.

I already help, and I use Ddoc, that's how I know it's crap ;). I wrote the documentation for interfacing with Objective-C [1]. It was very frustrating, especially since the PDF generator broke because latex can't handle underscores as in "D_ObjectiveC". I did get some help in the pull request but not from someone that knew how this actually worked. It was most guesses.

If a more widely tool had been used I might have been able to find out how this actually works and fixed it. Instead I had to revert to use a hack like wrapping the text in the $(D_CODE) macro.

Of course, you will always have the issues you mention above. But if you choose a tool that is created for web design and is widely used you will most likely have less of these issues. Most importantly, when something doesn't work there's documentation online to get help from.

[1] http://dlang.org/spec/objc_interface.html

/Jacob Carlborg

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