On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 15:47:08 UTC, JohnCK wrote:
On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 15:11:49 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
I'm not sure what you're suggesting...

Well, why it doesn't works like any other forum, where you post a message and after that sent back to the topic.

Currently after posting a message the page refreshs 3 times, with 3 messages like (Posting message, contacting NNTP, Message Posted) and after the last message then the user is send back to the topic.

In other words, why the user needs to see the validation process, why not just validates everything behind the curtains and just come back with a warning if there is any.

When posting in any other forum elsewhere the same process occurs instantly, while in here it takes like 3 ~ 5 seconds.

That's because this website is not really a forum, in reality it is a web newsreader (NNTP gateway).


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