On Thursday, 18 May 2017 at 05:43:48 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 17 May 2017 at 00:51, Benro via Digitalmars-d < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:


4 Hours work. Discouraged and gave up after this.

Visual Studio proper is the only IDE that 'just works' well, VisualD is
very good.
MonoDevelop also has good 'just works' support last I checked, but
debugging is much better in Visual Studio.

We could use a more precise statement than "just works".

Here is someone who likes IntelliJ IDEA's Rust support [0]. What I can see:

* Show documentation in tooltip
* Inline renaming of local variable (What about project-wide?)
* Completion (with semantics, I assume)
* Find all uses (of a local variable? What about project-wide?)
* One-click dependency resolution (I guess)
* Folding

What I do not see (might or might not be available):

* Advanced refactoring, like "extract function" or "converted lambda to named function"
* Clicking on build errors/warnings and showing them inline
* Displaying unit test status
* Integrated debugger (which should probably have various sub-items...)
* Integrated profiling
* GUI builder
* Color picker

[0] https://twitter.com/kot_2010/status/865861074360426496

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