On Tuesday, 16 May 2017 at 14:51:29 UTC, Benro wrote:
A quick summary trying to get D and a some IDEs running on a Windows environment.


Thanks for the overview. This topic pops up fairly regularly; the gist - from my point of view - is this: While what we currently have is severely lacking when compared to other programming languages, from my observation it seems good enough for the majority of people currently using D (though that view is solely based on reading through this forum, so take it with salt). That means it seems highly unlikely to me you will get someone to do a lot work on this for you for free. Your options (with regards to affecting change) as I see them are as follows:
- Pay someone to do it
- Do it yourself
- Try to convince others to do work you consider worth doing
As I stated above, I doubt the last option will work given what we have.

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