On Wednesday, 26 July 2017 at 19:27:06 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 26 July 2017 at 18:58:31 UTC, kinke wrote:
People need to eventually understand that all the energy wasted for complaining about D/the community/whatever would be so much more valuable if put into contributions.

Value is relative. So, if you don't use a tool in production why would you derive more value value from "improving" on the tool rather than analysing it to figure out why/why-not/how/how-not etc? Gaining insight might actually be more valuable…

Well, D now have a Improvement Proposal system (DIP), the actual visibility of this process can surely improve

I recommend looking at Tcl's TIP system, for inspiration

In my opinion an Improvement Proposal system is a lot better than a roadmap, because you can very clearly see, what the community is talking about, which improvements have implementations, which are just ideas, which are approved which are not, some IP entries takes years to implement

I think as the DIP system matures, it will help D a lot

And dont worry about D, its been around for 16-17 years now, it may never be as big as Python, Ruby or Go

But what is more important that it continues to be developed and improved and ... used

Many languages have small communities and will continue to .. such as Haskell, Idris, OCaml, F#, Clojure, Lisp , Elm ..

As long as D have a solid, bug free implementation, you have nothing to worry about .. and it doesnt have to be your only language .. honestly it should, now one language should be your only language, I would argue any developer can master 3 to 5 languages at any time ... try to pick ones that dont overlap much

Python, SQl, R, .. D, Dart

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