On Thursday, 20 September 2018 at 23:13:38 UTC, aliak wrote:

I just watched this talk from Jonathan Blow [0] about his programming language called Jai, and he can now compile an 80,000 line game in about 1.5 seconds on a laptop (of course I have no idea what laptop he's using), under 1 second on a desktop.

Jai is in the hands of maybe a dozen people and , so it's hard to compare. But with a sufficiently simple language with no metaprogramming, 80k lines of code in 1.5 seconds seems doable.

And in that situation, dmd does just fine -- 0.73 seconds to compile 84k lines of simple generated code on i5 2400, or 0.20 seconds with -c -o-.

It's just that D code tends toward heavy metaprogramming. That's a lot safer (consider C-style varargs writefln versus the template version), and it's slower to compile.

On a related note: He also mentions some really cool compilation features like having compiler hooks that tell you when compilation is done, when executable and where it will be written so you can create your build recipe inside the program itself. Also allows you do do things like:

whenCompilationFinishes(exeLocation) => loadExecutableIcon(myIcon, exeLocation)

During the build!

Your source knows how to build itself as a concept is awesome! There's actually a D runner [1] that kind of allows for source files to set stuff up.

It's awesome for demos and terrible otherwise. It takes "it builds on my machine" to a new level.

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