On 9/20/2018 7:44 PM, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
3. You can embed your buildscript into one of your project's existing source files, instead of putting it in a dedicated buildscript file.

(We can do that in D too, by utilizing version identifiers, but we don't because its messy and mostly pointless. Just like you wouldn't put your graphics code in an XML-parsing module, or your JSON serializer in an audio-mixing module. They each get their own file or dir. Basic separation of concerns. For one-file scripts, this IS actually really, really nice though, which is why I like both rund and DUB's embedded dub.sdl. But aside from one-file scripts, there's not much point to avoiding basic separation-of-concerns.)

In D1, you could embed D code in HTML files. It was a cool, and completely useless, feature.

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