"Andrej Mitrovic" <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> We can always resort to hacks!
> module namedUnittest;
> import std.stdio;
> import std.string;
> void main()
> {
> }
> unittest // Foo
> {
>    scope(failure)
>    {
>        writefln("Unittest '%s' Failed: ",
> split(split(import(.stringof[7..$] ~ ".d"),
> "\r\n")[__LINE__-5..__LINE__-4][0])[2]);
>    }
>    assert(0 == 1, "0 != 1");
> }
> ..what..? Why are you looking at me like that? :p

Using this:

module myproj.foo;
import semitwist.util.all;
alias unittestSection!"MyProject_unittest" unittestMyProject;

// Old:
    assert(x == y);

class Foo
        assert(x == y);

// New:
    assert(x == y);

class Foo
    mixin(unittestMyProject("This is for class Foo", q{
        assert(x == y);

Compile with:
-unittest -debug=MyProject_unittest

Output upon running:
== unittest: myproj.foo
== unittest: myproj.foo: This is for class Foo

(This message has been brought to you, in part, by a grant from "Reasons we 
need a better syntax to invoke string mixins.")

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