On 01/18/2011 06:33 PM, Jim wrote:
Adam Ruppe Wrote:
Maybe. 9/10 times they match anyway, but I'd be annoyed if
the package names had to match the containing folder.

This is enforced in some languages, and I like it. It'd be confusing if they 
didn't match when I would go to look for something.

I think it would be a good idea for D to standardise this. Not only so that the 
compiler can traverse and compile but for all dev tools (static analysers, 
package managers, etc). Standardisation makes it easier to create toolchains, 
which I believe are essential for the growth of any language use.

The D styleguide requires on one hand capitalised names for types, and lowercase for filenames on the other. How are we supposed to make them match?

vita es estrany

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