"nedbrek" <nedb...@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> "Vladimir Panteleev" <vladi...@thecybershadow.net> wrote in message 
> news:op.vpjlwrletuz...@cybershadow.mshome.net...
>> On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 08:09:11 +0200, Austin Hastings <ah0801...@yahoo.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 1/19/2011 12:50 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
>> Actually, you're probably right here. To my knowledge, there are only two 
>> build tools that take advantage of the -deps compiler option - rdmd and 
>> xfbuild. Older ones were forced to parse the source files - rebuild even 
>> used DMD's frontend for that. There's also a relatively new tool (dbuild 
>> oslt?) which generates makefiles.
> Can someone tell me the corner case that requires a build tool to parse 
> the whole source file?  My make helper is awk, it just looks for the 
> "import" and strips out the needed info...

Just as a few examples:

mixin("import foo.bar;");

// or

enum a = "import ";
enum b = "foo.";
enum c = "bar;";

// or

static if(/+some fancy condition here+/)
    import foo.bar;

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