"Josh Simmons" <simmons...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:
>> Keep in mind, most of a AAA game's codebase is externally-developed
>> middleware these days. I think the middleware development sector would be
>> willing to fix those issues if it meant being able to provide a more
>> competitive offering (ie, their customers can use an easier to use/learn
>> language, and don't need as many C++ gurus, etc).
> You need high performance code gurus, the need for C++ people in
> non-performance critical code is already alleviated by the scripting
> world.

Hmm, perhaps. Although I kinda have to agree with Carmack on game scripting 
not being such a great idea in the first place (Not that I feel that way 
because he said it). He also said said something in his last keynote that 
caught my attention, something about all that game scripting actually being 
more costly to performance than most people think. I don't know/remember the 
details, though. Although, coming from a guy who's idea of high-performace 
seems to have turned into "require a super-computer with expensive 
game-dedicated hardware" these days, I'm not sure how much I can still trust 
his stance on what code is/isn't fast anymore...But I guess I'm just being 

> I disagree with your middleware statement too, most middleware at this
> level is created by in house teams and then sold on for other titles.
> For example CryEngine, Unreal Engine, id tech, source engine.

Renderware, Gamebryo, Unity, Vision Engine, and none-engine stuff like 
Havok, Although I admit I wouldn't know anything about maketshare.

> Other
> AAA engines are used entirely in-studio for example IW's engine(s) for
> the CoD series games and Frostbite for the newer battlefield games.
> The other problem with this idea is that the middleware needs to play
> nice with other middleware like physics libraries, ai libraries and
> other specialised bits of software like speedtree, which typically are
> written in C++.

Yea, I suppose engine would be the key one.

> All of these layers need to be highly tuned for performance across
> many platforms including the console world.
> At this level the switch to C# provides much more than a 5%
> performance hit too, it makes the whole thing unfeasible. My feeling
> is that the same is true of D due mostly to immature tooling.

With D it's not an intractable issue, though.

> The indie world however, is much more accommodating, the budgets are
> lower and programmer productivity more important. Their performance
> requirements are much lower and their willingness to play with new
> tools is much greater. Make these guys happy and then down the track
> the rest of the gaming world might follow.

Oh, absolutely. Totally agree. In fact that's where I am...Or...would 
be...if I wasn't stuck in this perpetual web-dev hell...

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