On 24/02/2012 10:43, Walter Bright wrote:
Do you really want a language that the source code isn't readable or
browsable outside of an IDE?

Like the switch from command line to GUI, perhaps there are some that
are ready to switch from text files to some visually graphy thingy for
source code. But D ain't such a language. I don't know what such a
language would look like. I've never thought much about it before,
though I heard there was a toy language for kids that you "programmed"
by moving boxes around on the screen.

You're probably thinking of Scratch, though there are such languages not aimed at kids, see Android App Inventor -


Having used both of these (and a couple of others if I recall) I'd happily take a text only language any day!

But then... I prefer a command line + text editor over GUI/IDE too ;)


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