"Era Scarecrow" <rtcv...@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
>> This situation (where payphones were obsolete) existed long before the 
>> smartphone craze.
>  Perhaps... I may be giving up my cell phone and having no phone 
> connection. I'd buy a phone card soon, guess what I'd be using if I do 
> need to make a phone call? :P Cell phones and TV are being pushed too 
> hard, for less benefit unless you need to use them a lot.

I'm reminded of one of my favorite Futurama scenes where Hermes sees what he 
thinks is an ordinary run-of-the-mill suicide booth, realizes it's actually 
a phone, and exclaims something like "Wow! They put phones in booths now? 
That's great! Now I don't have to lug this thing around everywhere!" and 
tosses his cell in the trash.

I do actually miss pay phones. But at the same time, maintaining phone 
booths has *FAR* more overhead than not requiring JS, so I don't really 
complain about it. Plus I only have reason to use them maybe 1-4 times per 
*year*, wheras the web I need to use all the time.

I'd really like to get a WiFi phone actually, and use some free or cheap 
VoIP service. Yea, WiFi connections are a lot less prevailent (at least in 
the US) than cell reception, but it'd be good enough for me. You may not 
think it from the way I drone on and on in this NG, but I really don't talk 
on phones much.

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