"Roman Ivanov" <isroman....@ete.km.ru> wrote in message 
> On 5/24/2012 4:45 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Mirko Pilger" <pil...@cymotec.de> wrote in message
>> news:jpl36q$sta$1...@digitalmars.com...
>>>> And Vista doesn't pop-up tons of shit everytime the pointer gets near 
>>>> the
>>>> bottom of the screen. I'd never be able to get any work done if I had
>>>> (barely-distinguishable) mini-screenshots constantly popping up to 
>>>> "help"
>>>> me
>>>> all time like Win7 loves to do.
>>> just turn aero off. the win 7 desktop then looks and behaves very 
>>> similar
>>> to xp.
>> No it doesn't. The "skin" is like XP, but all the behavior is still the 
>> same
>> Win7 stuff. It's still Windows Dock, just with more grey and straight 
>> edges.
> FYI: You can set it up so it works exactly like XP. You can disable
> docking/pinning and instance combination, and then create a panel with
> buttons to simulate "quick launch". I've done that at work, never looked
> back.
> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/make-the-windows-7-taskbar-work-more-like-windows-xp-or-vista/

Yes, that one I knew about. It's an improvements, but it's not enough. And 
it behaves weird when the taskbar is more than one row tall.

> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/add-the-quick-launch-bar-to-the-taskbar-in-windows-7/

That one I didn't know about (thanks!), but my god that's *obscure*. At 
least it's possible though. Hopefully they haven't screwed it up since the 
Win7 beta.

> I still prefer XP, though.

Yea, although I've mainly just been mentining issues here with the taskbar 
and "All Programs", there's other stuff too. For example, almost all the 
changes to Explorer. And I don't trust the driver model, what with the DRM 
shit and potential driver revocation.

Some stuff can apperently be fixed with the 3rd party program Classic Shell 
(although I haven't actually tried it). But there's a lot that even that 
can't fix, and even if it did, there's just sooo much hacking required to 
make Win7 not irritating, that - why bother (and pay $$$) when I can just 
stick to XP instead?

Of course, XP takes some configuring too (which I've already done though), 
but then Win7 adds that much more, and at some point I just gotta say 
"Enough is enough, fuck this shit".

> It seems faster, it takes less space, and
> despite all MS claims, I had less virus problems with it than with
> Windows 7.

Ouch. I haven't had virus problems on my XP system (knock on wood...), but 
my sister's had a lot of virus trouble on her Win7 machine (and guess who 
had to fix the fucking thing every time...) Of course, my dad had a lot of 
virus trouble on his old XP machne (and again, guess who got to fix the 
goddamn thing), but then again, he's an idiot and does all sorts of stupid 
shit like click on ads, and give the advertiser pages his phone number when 
they ask for it, and doing all that *despite* noticing that it all seemed 
fishy, and god knows what else that he *hasn't* told me about. Colossal 
fucking moron.

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