On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 at 17:16:56 UTC, Stuart wrote:

Your swipes at Linux are ignorant and non-constructive.

Ignorant? I'm no expert, certainly, but ignorant?

Yes, ignorant. You're an ignorant fool. Worst part is you don't
even know it.

I never said D was crap. I said its tools don't work. I was disappointed that I couldn't use D to write an application. Does that sound like someone who doesn't like the language?

Your issues with compiling DFL are rooted completely in your own ignorance of the C/C++/D compilation model.

Er, no. Before I used .NET, I used C++ almost exclusively for a number of years. I'm a little out of practice, but I understand the general principles involved.

No you don't, or you wouldn't have asked the question in the first

You have a lot to learn and you should know that by now.

Oh, now, that's going too far. Do you think I'm some kind of programming newbie? A college student, perhaps? I have a BSc in Software Engineering, and I've been coding for 16 years.

Well jesus, a BSc, aren't you just a fucking genius.

Fuck off. Stop wasting our time.

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